Your job
While that is good news for the people who already have a job, those seeking work are staying unemployed for longer periods.
Understand your Strengths and Weaknesses. How can you address your weaknesses? What opportunities are there for someone with your capabilities? What threats might be looming
Punctuality, Arrive early, leave late. If you clock in for work, clock out at the end of your shift and be willing to put in 5 to 15 minutes without pay. Return from lunch 5 minutes early.
There are hard times for people who have jobs and people who are looking for jobs
There is an economic downturn companies and organizations all of a sudden realize they’ve got excess staff and there is a need to trim things down. Employees start losing their job gradually . Are you feeling darkness of job uncertainty around you?
Low cost manufacturing method
With all of the jobs being shipped overseas to China, domestic manufacturing jobs are few and far between. The manufacturing sector as a whole has lost. Low level worker having difficult to find jobs.
Identity Theft
job seekers to look carefully at the job listings to which they’re applying. To identify legitimate job listings, use reputable sites and look for job postings that identify the company posting the listing. “If you’re not sure whether it’s a bona fide (listing), don’t apply,” . Or send a request for additional information.”